
At ISI Argonauta, we firmly believe in the possibility of building a more just world, where all people can fully exercise their rights.
Our mission focuses on providing innovation to guarantee human dignity and substantially improve people's quality of life.
To achieve this objective, we develop a wide range of resources that include pedagogical and informative materials, innovative methodologies and computer applications. These resources are designed to increase the quality and effectiveness of policies and interventions in the different areas where we develop our services.
Our work philosophy is to form a team with our clients, promoting active listening, shared knowledge and the exchange of experiences. This approach ensures the success of the projects in which we get involved.
We are an interdisciplinary team of professionals with extensive experience in development cooperation, human rights, development education, and global citizenship, strategic planning, among other fields. Since 2001, we have collaborated with a variety of public and private institutions, demonstrating our commitment and ability to generate a positive impact on society.
for action
- Guide for Human Rights Defenders. Defending those who defend human rights: keys to support. ICID. 2023.
- Youth Guide and Agenda 2030: Guidelines for action. Guide to proposals and guidelines for the integration of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs in the work of Madrid youth associations. ICID. 2022.
- Guide to the SDGs for Third Sector Organizations. Year: 2017. Consulting carried out for the Vicente Ferrer Foundation.
- Guide for the Madrid Bar Association.
- Guide for the mainstreaming of the right to cultural diversity in the instruments of the AECID Year: August 2015 – 2016. Consulting carried out for the Department of Cultural Cooperation and
- Heritage of the AECID.
Guide for the mainstreaming of the AECID's human rights-based approach. Year: March – July 2015. Consulting carried out for the Sector Department of the AECID. - Guide for incorporating the human rights-based approach in development cooperation interventions
- Towards a change in cooperation policies: Theoretical Framework for the implementation of the Human Rights-based approach. Year: 2008. Contractor: University Network of
- Research on Cooperation for the development of the Madrid City Council.
Research for “Strengthening development cooperation: Guide for incorporating the human rights approach.” For the IUDC of the UCM and the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Year 2007. - Preparation of two studies on the right to education in Equatorial Guinea. Year 2007. Place: Equatorial Guinea – Spain. Contractor: Ayuda en Acción – InteRed.
- Initiatives for building peace in Colombia: Strengthening the DECS (phase I and II) for the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Year: 2005 – 2006. Location: Colombia.
- Local Social Inclusion Plan (2023-2030) of the Department of Social Action of the Ciudad Real City Council. 2023.
- Plan for Equal Opportunities. CESAL. 2023.
- “The experience of people applying for International Protection in Red Acoge Refugio.” Red Acoge. 2021.
- Protocol for the reception of people requesting International Protection. Red Acoge. 2021.
- Carrying out a gender diagnosis for the development of an Equal Opportunities Plan for the NGO CESAL. Year 2019.
- Implementation and launch of the Area for the permanent Training of Teachers of the MEEDU of Equatorial Guinea. FERE_CEC Organization. Year: 2019.
- Systematize and provide technical guidance in the process of defining and implementing a ministerial area of teacher training in Equatorial Guinea. FERE-CECA. Year 2018.
- Support for the execution of the Red Acoge Project “Implementation of the EBDH in social intervention. Red Acoge. 2018.
- Technical Assistance for the process of incorporating the human rights-based approach into the work of the Secretariado Gitano Foundation. 2017.
- Incorporation of the human rights-based approach in its Strategic Plan for International Cooperation Initiatives for Development (ICID). 2010.
- Incorporation of the Human Rights-Based Approach in its communication strategy to the Technical Office of Spanish Cooperation in Colombia. 2009.
Incorporation of the Human Rights-Based Approach in its policies and interventions to the Technical Office of Spanish Cooperation in Colombia. 2008 – 2009. (OTC Colombia). - Technical assistance to different NGDOs for the incorporation of the human rights-based approach in the identification and formulation of the AECID Convention. Since 2006. Ayuda en Acción, InteRed, Caritas, Youth and Development.
- Final evaluation of the AECID Agreement “For transformative education and for global citizenship committed to compliance with the SDGs” for Alboan, Intered, Entreculturas and Oxfam. 2023.
- Final evaluation of the AECID Agreement “Movement for transformative education and global citizenship in the field of formal education, in Spain” of the Movement for the EDCG Coordinated INTERED. Year 2019.
- External evaluators from the Complutense University of Madrid for the evaluation of the Call for Development Cooperation projects (PCI). Year 2018.
- Final evaluation of the project “Promoting the prominence of women in the peace process: awareness-raising, public advocacy and consolidation of the International Network to Support the Defense of Women's Human Rights and Peace in Colombia. NGO ATELIER. Year 2017.
- Diagnostics on the situation of the right to education and the right to vocational training in Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. (Youth and Development) February 2010 – September 2010.
- Diagnoses on the right to food in Peru and Ecuador (Caritas). 2008.
- Diagnostics on the situation of international cooperation in Equatorial Guinea. (Help in Action – InteRed). 2007.
- Diagnoses on the right to education in Equatorial Guinea (Ayuda en Acción – InteRed). Year 2006.
- Initiatives for building peace in Colombia: Strengthening the DECS (phase I and II). Year 2005 – 2006, together with Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Colombia and the Complutense University of Madrid. Prepare a proposal that outlines the central axes and basic elements for building peace in Colombia, within the framework of economic, social and cultural rights.
In relation to face-to-face training programs, ISI Argonauta has been collaborating with different NGOs in the design and implementation of training workshops on development cooperation, a human rights-based approach. Agenda 2030, education in human rights, gender, values, interculturality, peace education and citizen participation. Among them it is worth highlighting:
- Dynamization of the day of reflection on the 2030 Agenda of the Galician Coordinator of ONGD. 2018.
- Red Acoge personal training. Incorporate the Human Rights-Based Approach in social action. 2018.
- Personal training Gypsy Secretariat. Incorporate the Human Rights-Based Approach in Social Action 2017-2018.
- Training course for the University Institute of Development and Cooperation of the UCM (IUDC – UCM) “The Approach Based on Human Rights in the 2030 Agenda” – April 2017.
- Training course for the Master of Development Cooperation at the Ortega y Gasset Institute. The Human Rights-Based Approach in development cooperation. 2017.
- Approach based on human rights and governance indicators. AECID. Year: June 2013.
- Workshop. The Human Rights-Based Approach. CIDEAL. April 2013.
- Workshop: Refugees and HRBA. The Human Rights-Based Approach UNRWA National Committee, 2011.
- Cives Mundi. December 2011.
- EnRights Network. Introduction course and advanced course. June, September, October 2011.
Polytechnic university of Valencia. May 2011. - FONGDCAM. Initiation course January – February 2011. Advanced course June 2011.
- University Institute of Development Cooperation. April 2011.
- Help in Action Foundation. November 2010.
- Counterpart of the Youth and Development Foundation in Managua and the Dominican Republic. March – June 2010.
Youth and Development Foundation. December 2009. - Federation of Associations for the Defense and Promotion of Human Rights – November 2009 – October 2010.
- Spanish Interest Group on Population, Development and Reproductive Health (GIE) – Madrid October 21, 2009.
- CONGED – June 25 – 26, 2009.
- Spanish Red Cross – May 2009 – May 2010 – April and May 2011 – April 2012.
- San Sebastián de los Reyes City Council – April 18, 2009 – October 2010.
- ACSUR – Las Segovias. March 2009.
- Technical Office of Spanish Cooperation in Colombia – October 2008 – November 2009.
- IUDC – UCM. December 2008 – 2009 – 2010 – 2011.
- Coordinator of ONGD of Castilla-La Mancha – Toledo June 31, 2008.
KOOPERA Center – UNESCO Etxea – Bilbao May 28, 2008. - Course “Training of trainers for human rights education” of the Federation of Associations for the Defense and Promotion of Human Rights – Spain. (2004, 2005, 2006).
- Workshop “NGOs and the United Nations”, belonging to the training course “Training course in the United Nations of UNESCO Etxea (April 2006).
- Workshop “Human rights and citizen participation” organized by ACSUR – Gijón. (May 2006).
Seminar “Post-conflict rehabilitation and human rights” organized by UNESCO Etxea (May 2005). - Workshop “Conflicts, peace and human rights”, organized by CONGE at Casa Encendida (October 2004).
Online training
- Editing of materials, tutoring and coordination of the course Cultural Diversity and Human Rights Approach: From theory to practice in development cooperation. AECID. 2022.
- Editing of materials, tutoring and coordination of the Childhood Strategy course of the Spanish AECID cooperation. 2021.
- Editing of materials, tutoring and coordination of work for the Online Course “Mainstreaming the Gender Approach and the Environmental Approach”. Training for AECID professionals. 2016, 2019, 2020.
- Design, content development and tutoring of the course “From theory to practice: The HRBA from sectoral work” Training for AECID professionals. 2016.
- Design, content development and tutoring of the course “The EBDH in the strategic planning tools of the AECID” 2014. Online. 2015.
- Course The EBDH in the AECID strategic planning tools Year: May – July 2014. Online.
- Design, content development and tutoring of the course “Approach based on human rights and governance indicators” 2013. online.
- Course design, content development and tutoring of the online course “The human rights-based approach in development cooperation”. Introductory course and advanced course (2012).
- Course design, content development and tutoring of the online course “The Millennium Goals”. Designed for FANSI and aimed at secondary school teachers (2012).
- Design of the training program, editing of materials, tutoring and coordination of the work of the online course. "International cooperation for development. Agents, policies and areas of action” of FAMSI (2011).
- Editing of materials, tutoring and coordination of the work of the online Course. “The new active multilateralism and the role of decentralized cooperation” by FAMSI (2011).
- Course design, content development and tutoring of the online course “Development Cooperation Project Cycle Management” designed for the FAMSI and aimed at the officials responsible for the cooperation areas of municipalities in Andalusia. (2010).
- ONLINE TRAINING: Course design, content development and tutoring of classes International Conflict Analysis Classroom. Certified diploma from the Complutense University of Madrid. Editions 2002, 2003, 2004 in collaboration with the Complutense Institute of International Studies (ICEI).
- Course design, content development and class tutoring Post-war rehabilitation classroom. Certified diploma from the Complutense University of Madrid. Editions 2003, 2004 in collaboration with the Complutense Institute of International Studies (ICEI)
- Course design, content development and class tutoring Humanitarian aid classroom. 2004 edition in collaboration with IECHA.
- The human rights-based approach: evaluation and indicators. 2011. For the EnDerechos network.
- Guide for incorporating the human rights-based approach in development cooperation interventions. Last edition January 2010. ISI Argonauta.
- Towards a change in cooperation policies: Theoretical Framework for the implementation of the Human Rights-based approach. 2008. University Research Network on Development Cooperation of the Madrid City Council. With the collaboration of the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Complutense University of Madrid, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Consultora Promover.
- Studies on Education in Equatorial Guinea: country context, educational system and situation of teachers. 2008. Material prepared for the NGO Group formed by Ayuda en Acción and InteRed.
- The role of International Cooperation in the educational sector in Equatorial Guinea. 2008. Material prepared for the NGO Group formed by Ayuda en Acción and InteRed.
- Initiatives for building peace in Colombia: Strengthening economic, social and cultural rights (phase I and II). 2005-2006. AECID Interuniversity Cooperation Program 2005 – 2006.