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Our services

ISI Argonauta, with its experience and comprehensive approach, is committed to providing effective solutions adapted to the needs of each client or project, promoting equality, inclusion and respect for human rights.

Technical Assistance and Consulting

We offer consulting and technical assistance services for both public and private entities, guaranteeing comprehensive support in various areas.

Research for action

We are dedicated to the creation of methodological guides designed to promote the implementation of effective strategies in multiple sectors.

Specialized training, participatory methodologies, courses and workshops

Development and execution of training programs (courses, workshops, seminars,...) both in person and online, with participatory teaching and collaborative learning methodologies.
Themes: Human rights approach, 2030 Agenda, Human rights education, Children's Rights, Cultural diversity, Strategic planning, Indicators.

Preparation of participatory diagnoses

We facilitate the design and development of projects through participatory diagnoses, promoting collaboration and commitment from the beginning to the execution of the project.


We conduct program and project evaluations with a focus on learning and continuous improvement, considering these processes as training opportunities.

Training Materials

We create innovative and effective teaching materials that support the teaching-learning process in our courses and workshops.

Online Training Consulting

We provide complete support for the implementation of online courses, including the configuration of educational platforms such as Moodle and the management of virtual classrooms.

Proud of the level of satisfaction of our collaborators

"We know that there is another way of looking at the public, of doing our work, that we can and want to aspire to achieve a more fair and egalitarian public policy for which we have opted for by putting on the glasses of Human Rights" Paloma García. ISI Argonaut team.
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